Why We Give
We believe that giving is a vital part of Christian worship. When we give of our finances, it reminds us that everything we have comes from God. He is our provider, and we give back to him out of the ‘first fruits’ of what He has given us.
When considering Christian giving, the term ‘tithe’ is often referred to, and has its origins in the ancient Hebrew concept of giving one tenth of one’s possessions or wealth as an offering to God. This can be seen in the following passages:
- Genesis 14:19-20 – Abram gives a tenth of everything he had to the priest Melchizedek after rescuing Lot.
- Mark 12:41-44 – Our financial giving is just as much an act of worship as our singing.
- 2 Corinthians 8-9 – A range of practical guidance for our giving.
Giving also helps us to keep the right perspective. Our culture tells us that happiness comes from earning more and owning more, but we believe that true purpose comes from loving and serving God. When we give, it reminds us that God is God, and money is not.
The Church’s Approach to Giving and How We Manage Our Finances
- If, and how much you decide to give to the church is solely between yourself and God.
- The church will administer what you give, and will not chase you for your giving.
- We endeavour to ensure that giving to the church is as confidential as possible. When individuals give by Standing Order or through the Gift Aid Scheme, the Treasurer is only the person who is able to identify how much an individual gives. The only exception to this is if an individual gives by cheque, as the volunteer counters will need to record this and pay the cheque in at the bank. The Pastors do not know the level of an individual’s giving.
- The church’s finances are overseen by the Treasurer and the Lead Pastors, with the additional support of the Leadership Team.
- As a church, we will endeavour to keep the church members aware of our finances, including the overall levels of giving, and how the finances are spent.
Practical Ways to Give
These 5 points set out how you can give to Dewsbury Elim Church:
- Whatever you decide to give, giving regularly helps the church to budget and to plan.
- There are currently three different methods of giving to the church:
- Standing Order – This is an instruction to your Bank to make a regular payment to the church of an amount set by yourself. Simply complete just the left hand side of this form. Forms MUST be returned to the Treasurer.
- Collection Bags during the service – You can give cash or cheque (payable to Dewsbury Elim Church), or using the numbered Brown Envelope Scheme for those registered for Gift Aid.
- Givt App – This is a free app for your smartphone which enables you to give additionally, spontaneously and touch-free. See for more information.
- If you’re a UK Tax Payer, you can maximise your giving by registering for the Gift Aid Scheme. Please download and complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form. Forms MUST be returned to the Treasurer.
- You can then choose to give either by Standing Order, or to use the Brown Envelope Scheme, through the Collection Bags during the service.
- If your circumstances change, and you no longer pay sufficient tax in the year, it is important that you inform the Treasurer, so that you can remove yourself from the Scheme.
- Designated Additional Giving
- Every now and again, individuals may wish to give a gift for a specific purpose in the life of the church, above and beyond their regular giving. If you wish to find out more, please speak to the Treasurer.
- Leaving a Legacy Gift in your Will
- An individual may wish to leave a Legacy Gift to the church in their Will. If you wish to find out more, please speak to the Treasurer.

A more comprehensive guide to biblical principles around financial giving, how we manage our finances, and how to give to the church is available to download below.
For more information or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Treasurer Ben Cross via