
gray and black galaxy wallpaper

For the Benefit of the Church

This morning I started reading Ephesians. It’s a book I often go back to, because it’s so rich in encouraging truths. Paul writes passionately about our standing as children of God and the new freedom we have because of Jesus. …

God Remembers

Have you ever experienced a period of time when it feels like God is not speaking to you? Maybe He gave you a word or a promise a long time ago but nothing has happened about it since then? In …

Waiting on God

When I began to plan our current preaching series, my initial thought was that it would be good for us to spend some time exploring a Biblical narrative. We’ve done a lot of teaching on themes within the Bible during …

Reopening the Church Building

Yesterday we released the news that gathered services are coming back on Pentecost Sunday! If you missed it, that’s the headline right there. We’re going to be opening up our building again on Sunday 23rd May for our evening Sunday …

Why Do We Give?

Over the last few weeks in Church Online we’ve been doing a series called Money Talks. We’ve looked at how we manage our money and honour God with it. The goal has been to put money in its proper place …

jesus saves neon signage

Why Does Easter Matter?

Easter weekend has been and gone. Chocolate eggs have been consumed in vast quantities. Roast dinners have been had, sadly without extended family or friends around the table. Church services and events have marked the death and resurrection of Jesus …

Balancing the Triangle

Yesterday evening a few of us gathered on Zoom for our Vision Evening. I shared some of what God has been speaking to the church during the last few months and how that relates to our core values which we …

Ruby Von Rails

Lead Developer

Small batch vexillologist 90's blue bottle stumptown bespoke. Pok pok tilde fixie chartreuse, VHS gluten-free selfies wolf hot.