Plan Your Visit

First Time Here?

Visiting a new place can be a daunting prospect. Whether you’ve just moved to Dewsbury and want to find a new church or you’ve never been to church before, we want to make you feel really welcome at Elim. We have a great team of welcomers who are ready to do just that.

Service Times & Location

Morning Service: 10:30am – 12:00pm

How Do I Get There?

Dewsbury Elim is located on Wellington Road and Daisy Hill. We’re just down the hill from the railway station and up the hill from the bus station. You can find us using the map below.

What Can I Expect?

At 10:30am we meet for our morning service, which generally lasts between an hour and an hour and a half. We begin with a time of sung worship, led by our band. We sing a mixture of new and old(er) songs in a lively style. We believe that God wants to speak to us when we meet, so it is normal during our time of singing for someone to come to the front to share something they feel that God wants to say. As part of our worship we also give financially, but guests are not obliged to give.

After sung worship, the children and young people go out to their groups (more about that below), before we have some notices about what is going on in the life of the church. There is then a sermon, lasting around 30-40 minutes, following a theme from the Bible.

We close our service with a final song, sometimes giving time for people to respond to what God has said during the sermon.

What Do You Do for Children?

We have dedicated teams for our children’s and young people’s activities. Limitless Kids and Limitless Youth go to their separate groups about halfway through the morning service. If you’d like to let us know ahead of time that you’re coming and bringing children or young people, you can do so using the form at the bottom of this page.

Limitless Kids

Limitless Kids runs for children aged 4-11. Once the children have gone upstairs to their groups, they begin with some action songs and games. They then look at age-appropriate material that will help them to understand what it means to live life the Jesus way.

Limitless Youth

Limitless Youth is for ages 11-16. They begin with icebreaker games, before looking at and discussing material to help them to follow Jesus at school, with their friends and anywhere else they may go.

What Should I Wear?

We have no dress code for our meetings. Some people like to dress casually, while others prefer to be more formal.

Is Your Building Accessible?

We have an accessible entrance on the left-hand side of our building. Everything other than Limitless Kids & Youth happens on the ground floor; there are no awkward steps to negotiate once you’ve arrived. The main toilets are on this same floor.

If you need to go upstairs, there is a stairlift available. We have an accessible toilet upstairs as well.

We have an induction loop for anyone who uses a hearing aid. Just switch your hearing aid to the T position and you’ll get a clear audio feed for the service. If you are visually impaired, we can link your smartphone or tablet to our computer so that you can read the song lyrics and scriptures in large format on your own screen. Speak to the tech team to get connected.

Let Us Know You’re Coming